How is Médiamétrie organised ?

Médiamétrie is structured around four entities that are coordinated by an Executive Committee and a Management Committee
- The Marketing and Client Experience entity is organised into two departments
- Products & Services Performance defines and develops Médiamétrie's media product and service offering (TV & Cross Media, Digital & Press, Radio & Total Audio, Cinema – Ad hoc and Media Barometers), as well as managing these operations.
- Client Performance markets these products, retains and supports our clients and forges the market vision alongside the Products & Services team.
- Development Entity
In order to accelerate the development and market launch of products and updates to our existing products, a new department was created: Solutions & Projects. This cross-functional department works on product design and development, together with the teams from Products & Services Performance, Data & Methods and Operations.
Within the Development entity, a further two departments combine our international activities and those outside of the media industry:
- International drives synergies between our activities. It brings together Glance – the world leader in TV and video market intelligence, TV Performance – the service dedicated to TV producers and sports stakeholders, and Tape Consultancy – our British subsidiary with global expertise in content analysis. Metric Line is in charge of marketing our technologies and audience measurement systems internationally.
- Ad Hoc & Major Surveys handle the design, production and marketing of ad hoc studies outside the media realm, in particular, invitations to tender for major surveys.
- The Data & Methods entity is based on two departments
- Data Science designs and specifies study methodologies. It is in charge of the processing, production and interpretation of the results, and in addition, oversees data governance rules.
- Quality & Security provide ongoing improvement of processes in line with requirements and needs in terms of Quality, Information Security and Privacy.
- The Operations entity is supported by three departments
- Surveys & Panels produce surveys and audience measurement via methods including telephone and online, etc. and/or using panels.
- Measurement Systems create, explore, assemble, develop and evolve audience measurement technologies.
- Information Systems define and implement Médiamétrie's IT strategy in support of our business offerings.
Four Support Departments serve all entities:
- Strategy & Transformation coordinate the setting, implementation and management of corporate strategy and transformation. This department also outlines Médiamétrie's CSR approach.
- Communication
- Human Relations
- Administration & Finance
As real hubs for debate, five decision-making committees set, steer and validate the measurements and studies: the Audimétrie committee, TV Thématiques committee, Internet committee, Radio committee and Métridom committee.
Test of significance of the differences between two proportions
Used to assess whether the difference between 2 proportions is significant at the 95% threshold
Warning: only applies to a proportion. The Average Rate is an average of proportions and the Audience Share a ratio of proportions. This tool is provided for information purposes. It cannot be applied for professional purposes without further precautions.
des médias