Radio Panel

How can audience listening behaviours be analysed in all their complexity?

How can audience listening behaviours be analysed in all their complexity?

As a supplement to the 126,000 Radio study, the Radio Panel takes an in-depth look at the listening habits and behaviours of the population over three consecutive weeks.



The Radio Panel analyses audience's listening behaviours in all their complexity

  • Observe audiences transferring from one station to another and the audience accumulation phenomena within one station (or programme) over several days
  • Update and refine radio media planning models
  • Periods
    • Radio Panel takes place every year in two survey waves: September-October and January-February.
  • Recruitment
    • Panellists are recruited among respondents to the 126,000 Radio survey. The panel is representative of the population ages 13 and up, residing in metropolitan France.
    • Internet users with high-speed Internet access at home have the option to participate in the Panel using paper/pencil or online.
  • The “active panelling” period, which is the same for everyone, lasts over a period of 23 consecutive days, or 3 weeks and 4 weekends, and is broken down into several sub-periods:
    •   21 days: first, second and third whole week, Monday-Sunday;
    •   15 days: first, second and third week, Monday-Friday;
    •   8 days: 4 weekends.
  • This 23-day period was selected to have a sufficient amount of information about weekends and each of its days.


  • Methodological evolution: As of September 2022, the Radio Panel will evolve and become EAR > Insights, a permanent panel based on automatic measurement - Individual Reach Audiometry. First publication of EAR > Insights in November 2022 over the period September-October 2022.

The Radio Panel provides its subscribers with the audience results for radio and national stations, in quarter-hour increments, over the 23 days of panelling.

The detailed results, including a full-colour hard-copy summary report and an Excel file, contain the following information:

  •   Listening habits for radio and stations by time slot, Monday-Friday, Saturday and Sunday;
  •   Distribution and average number of stations listened to, broken down by socio-demographic criteria over 21, 15 and 8 days;
  •   Distribution and average number of days of listening, broken down by socio-demographic criteria over 21, 15 and 8 days;
  •   Exclusives and audience duplication over 21, 15 and 8 days.

Detailed results on the aggregated data software:

Time bases (except for total audience on an average week)

  •   21 days, or three full weeks, Monday-Sunday and three different weeks;
  •   15 days, or three full weeks, Monday-Friday and three different weeks;
  •   8 days, or four weekends.


  • Average number of listening on 21, 15 and 8 days;
  • Maximum coverage on 21, 15 and 8 days;
  •   Audience accumulation over 21, 15 and 8 days;
  •   Total audience on an average week (7 days, 5 days);
  •   Exclusives and audience duplication over 21, 15 and 8 days;
  •   Distribution and number of days of listening over 21, 15 and 8 days;


  • Sex, Socio-professional category of Head of household and Individual, Age, Level of education, Presence of children, Household size, UDA and Nielsen region, City categories, Age x city > 100,000, Household x city > 100,000.

Time slots

  • 5 a.m. to 12 a.m. and standard time slots.

Location from which the listener tunes in to the radio and stations: At home, in the car, in the workplace or elsewhere

Premium targets

  •   Purchasing circuits, telephony, telecom operators;
  •   Listening and purchasing behaviour of pre-recorded music;
  •   Car, car radio, pre-programming of the car radio;
  •   Excursions, leisure activities, cinema, games of chance;
  •   Opinions about the radio, listening motivation, reading the national and regional daily press

Databases for media planning

A digital tape containing individual data gathered from ongoing panellists (23 days) is made available solely for processing by media planning software.

Complementary results

Listening habits for radio and stations by time slot, Monday-Friday, Saturday and Sunday;
Distribution and average number of stations listened to, broken down by socio-demographic criteria over 21, 15 and 8 days;


Le Panel Radio se déroule chaque année sur deux vagues d’enquête : septembre-octobre et janvier-février.

Confidence interval calculus

Sample size or target in the sample

n =

Proportion observed in the sample or on a target in the sample

p =


Warning: only applies to a proportion. The Average Rate is an average of proportions and the Audience Share a ratio of proportions. This tool is provided for information purposes. It cannot be applied for professional purposes without further precautions.

Test of significance of the differences between two proportions

Used to assess whether the difference between 2 proportions is significant at the 95% threshold


Sample size

1st sample


2nd sample


Warning: only applies to a proportion. The Average Rate is an average of proportions and the Audience Share a ratio of proportions. This tool is provided for information purposes. It cannot be applied for professional purposes without further precautions.

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